
Crytek Closes Five of Its Studios To "Refocus on Its Core Strengths" - garciafrothen

Crytek will be mop up Little Phoeb of its studios in South-central Korea, China, Bulgaria, Hungary and Turkey.

The developer, who is best known for its work on the original Cold Call out and Crysis, announced the newsworthiness via a press release today. The goal is to "refocus on its core strengths of developing innovative games and game-development engineering science".

Lone two studios will be preserved – those based in Frankfort, Germany and in Kiev, Ukraine. The following studios testament be affected:

  • Crytek Black Ocean in Sofia, Bulgaria, founded in 2001 American Samoa Euxine Sea Studios, acquired and renamed in 2008
  • Crytek Budapest in Budapest, Magyarorszag, founded in 2007
  • Crytek Istanbul in Stamboul, Turkey, founded in 2020
  • Crytek Seoul in Seoul, Republic of Korea, founded in 2010
  • Crytek Shanghai in Shanghai, China, founded in 2020

"Undergoing such transitions is far from easy, and we'd like to sincerely thank each and all staff member – gone and instant – for their hard solve and commitment to Crytek", said Co-Founder and Manager, Avni Yerli, in a press spill.

"These changes are piece of the essential stairs we are taking to ensure Crytek is a hearty and property business moving forward-moving that can continue to attract and nurture our diligence's transcend talent. The reasons for this have been communicated internally along the way. Our focus now lies wholly on the core strengths that have always outlined us – world-class developers, land-of-the-art technology and innovative game development, and we believe that going through and through this challenging process will make us a more spry, viable, and attractive studio, primed for future winner."

Earlier this month we wrote or so respective employees claiming to haven't been paid for single months.

The company was originally founded in 1999 and has been headquartered in Germany of all time since. Two studios (UK and USA) already got closed back in 2020.


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